Body Language - Interest vs. Bordom

Here are some common body language signals you need to watch out for:

Signals of Interest
 Both hips turned towards you – When someone is fully engaged in an interesting conversation, they face their whole body towards you or at least try to anyway.
 Eyebrows moving upwards in surprise – Eyebrows raised upwards and arched, with wide eyes show intrigue and surprise.
  Eyes scanning the face – Are her eyes actively scanning your face? Does she look at both eyes, your lips, chin etc?
 Hair stroking – Self grooming excessively is a sure sign of attraction and the most common one in the body language signals.
 Pupils dilated – An uncontrollable arousal gauge and something that lets you know she’s thinking sexually about you.
 Over exaggerated movements/expressions – Is she constantly touching you, close in proximity and making big gestures when talking? Then she’s telegraphing her interest for you.

Signals of Discomfort, Boredom, & No Interest
 Eyes wondering – Take notice of where she’s looking, if she can’t hold eye contact for more than a couple of seconds, then she’s not into you.
 Hand in pockets – An obvious sign of discomfort that requires you to build more trust and an enjoyable atmosphere.
 Crouched “inward” – Sitting down, does she have her legs/arms folded, shoulders pointing down and almost as though she’s trying to curl up into a ball? Yep, she’s not interested.
 Forced smile – The eyes smile with the mouth when someone is genuinely smiling. No eye action, just means it’s forced.
 Involutionary scratching – Don’t confuse this with self-grooming. An itch on the chin, arm, neck etc. is often a sign that she’s bored.